Archive for the ‘Citizens for Health’ Category

This week on Waking Up Orwell we will be speaking LIVE with Jim Turner, a Washington attorney representing Citizens for Health, an organization suing the FDA for approving the H1N1 swine flu vaccines to be administered before they were properly tested.

Citizens for Health is very involved with actions in New York to address the voluntary- compulsory policy requiring health care workers to take the Swine Flu vaccine as a condition of their employment.

Waking Up Orwell airs on from 9 – 10 AM CST. Please click the icon in the top right hand corner of to be directed to the show site.

NEXT WEEK: The Bill of Rights Defense Committee (BORDC) wasted no time developing a plan for local government to push back against unconstitutional compliance requirements in the PATRIOT Act. BORDC’s National Director, Shahid Buttar, will be with us LIVE for details on local government campaigns and their plan for to address government transparency. They will have some D.I.Y. government tips on to assert yourself right where you live.