Archive for the ‘DPS’ Category

Thanks to Scott Henson @ GFB.

BTC – Pray that someone reminds Governor Perry that none of this is an emergency. It looks as if a few groups may already be on task. Watch this bill here.

INTERVIEW:  Discussion of SB9 Texas gangland bill, Real ID & NSTIC

SEE ALSO: SB 9: Your Offense is Driving-while-Texan

BTC –  While racial profiling potentials dominate media coverage of Arizona’s new law, SB 1070, the privacy concerns of those profiled have been overshadowed.  Tempe Ariz. resident, David Huerta, a privacy code engineer for, expressed concerns about massive transfer of citizen data and how the handling of his private information could be insecure.   Huerta is also a speaker this week at the Computing, Freedom and Privacy Conference in San Jose, Calif.

Unfortunately for Huerta, and other hispanics, Arizona’s law enforcement will not be trained on any additional privacy handling practices specific to SB 1070, according to Executive Director, Lyle Mann, for Arizona Peace Officer Standards and Training Board. No privacy impact assessments were conveyed to AZPOST, the agency who develops training for Arizona’s law enforcement practices.   Agencies responsible for policies to implement to the new law are the Arizona’s Sherriff’s Departments, the Arizona Department of Public Safety and any agency who may recruited as First Responders.

Law enforcement training to implement SB 1070 is expected to commence soon according to DPS Seargant,  Kevin Wood.   Privacy impact assessments for the new law were unkown or unavailable to Seargant Wood. Officers may be responsible for enforcing the law as soon as July, 29th 2010.

Aspects of public tests aren’t making the cut in day-to-day life. The benefits and security details are still obscure.

From local Fox 7: On Your Side

Texas’ Department of Public Safety is at the center of a drivers license rule tug of war between what’s really not-quite-law in the State of Texas and Governor Rick Perry’s office. In recent months, more federal money became available in the form of FEMA grants to comply with the Real ID Act of 2005. DPS would certainly like to have the $171.2 million. However, it is unfortunate for them, and all of us, that Texas would have to pass legislation to comply with Real ID regulations in order to receive the federal funding. While the Austin Statesman spins that Texas does not resist a Real ID; attempts to push Real ID forward are being made without the Texas legislative process, allowing for public input.

Texas had such a fight on their hands last session that everything that touched Real ID as proposed law DIED. There were no survivors. It was a draw. Alas – this continuing fight intensifies.

The driving force behind the new push for Real ID rulemaking at DPS in Texas is, none other than, the Texas Governor’s Office. Rick Perry is trying to get the job done before the ’09 Texas legislative session and possibly before Bush leaves the Oval Office. Texas State lawmakers may be battling a bad example in the White House; one of delegating too much power to appointed officials (DPS Chair Allan Pollunsky) and thus abusing executive privilege.


Some herald the new vertical license issued by DPS as adequate means to quell dominance fears associated with border clashes. Let it be said here that immigration enforcement has always been a federal matter. Until you talk to the locals who are forced into the enforcement role, with or without proper credential. The substandard, slack-wristed way the U.S. enforces any type of immigration is the elephant sitting in the living room.

Big business pays the enforcers to look the other way. Even when big business is out of sight, enforcement at our borders is still spotty at best. When officials finally turn over and committ to enforce the immigration law they have – it’s to create an ineffectual scary scenario, making an example of immigrants who are here on risky business.It’s either not much at all or way over the top. There are huge imbalances to compensate for on the part of the U.S. government.

There are infinitely better, more effective ways for people to both work and travel here in the U.S. They are making some gains and work is going into it – but Real ID isn’t immigration policy. It’s a band-aid and a lollipop to those who want immigration reform and huge government contracts to anchor a surveillance state for the Pentagon.


Real ID regulations call for technologies that don’t secure anyone’s identity, yet manage to create a record of everything you use them for. From there, everything you do is the government’s business. Literally – they will make a big stack of money from the information they glean from studying the human animal migration patterns and your buying habits. The machinery to catalouge and account for all of this human behavior makes someone rich. Thus continues the expanding legacy of governance as The Corporations see fit (with or without ethics). Real Id regulations as enforced by DHS is big bad government business as usual.

Technology services don’t actually have to be competent. They just have to make money. Biometrics have a lousy operations track record for security. They fail frequently. Which means there will be frequent pay-out in employment contracts to fix the broken biometrics. Radio frequency ID as secured identity technologies have failed miserably, as well. If you know your U.S. government technologies contracts policy, the electronics don’t have to function reliably. You just have to successfully sell it to the Pentagon. The Pentagon will write a check for anything because they aren’t paying for it – you are.

Apparently they didn’t get the memo: we’re broke. That means no money for Real ID programs or super spy telecomm outerspace sattelite mapping of wretches escaping the scene of disaster. Sorry National Applications Office… you may be out of business soon and your engineers will have to go back to swimming in the commercial waters, with or without insurance. Buh-bye!

DHS is still spending like they’ve got it – taking loans from (The Fed?) author/benefactors of fake money -consideration- manufactured from thin air to be repaid by the United Slaves of America. Since when do We the People work to pay off the debt of Public Servants? Since there has been a Federal Reserve.

So we know where the money to pay for Real ID programs comes from. The terrible question now is: do we put up with it?

I think not. There are too many people in Texas who would observe the national trend of turning down Real ID as a mandate for their state. We don’t have to spit in anyone’s eye. We just have to stand on our feet behind the legislators who understand their personal loss for choosing to go against the U.S. constitution, privacy and the security of their own identity.

DPS Commission Hearing on Implementation Readiness for Real IDs

A BeatTheChip Exclusive

AUSTIN — Texas Department of Public Safety License Administrator Chief Judy Brown briefed the Public Safety Commission Thursday, October 16th on DPS’s application status for $171.2 million in FEMA/DHS grants to implement recent rules and technologies Real ID compliant license standards. Chief Brown discussed the public-private business model including staffing commissioned officers in a new proposed license administrator hierarchy, amid priorities to implement the federal mandate.

Brown indicated there was significant reluctance from State Legislators and resources to move forward with financing the new licenses with State funds. If the FEMA/DHS grants are accepted in the State of Texas, proposed rulemaking would standardize new licenses to for federal purposes such as: applying for social programs, entering federal buildings, and flying on regulated aircraft by the next deadline of 2009 and state the driver’s nationality.

C. Tom Clowe Jr. , DPS Comissioner, asked Chief Brown about her rationale for employing comissioned officers over civillian clerks.

“Civillians will argue with another civllian [clerk]. They will not argue with a uniform,” said Chief Brown during her commentary for incorporating a new job title, “Civillian Manager”.

Other topics covered during the meeting included a response from DPS Chairman Allen Polunsky to those giving public input regarding license inspection checkpoints. Citizens expressed opposition during public input to random license checkpoints and a new rule requiring citizenship documentation in order to attain a drivers license. Immediately following the testimony from members of the 5-11 Campaign, Polunsky said, “There are no plans… to instill public checkpoints at this time.” He added that concerns over the checkpoints were premature.

Later in the meeting, Chairman Polunsky submitted a letter from Texas Senator Juan Hinajosa concerned about the rulemaking for license requirements and license examination checkpoints.


AUSTIN – Within a matter of days the Department of Public Safety has begun to initate policy and new rules regarding the use and regulation of both driver’s licenses and checkpoints without public input. DPS, a state agency has decided to administer and move forward this agenda independent of public input. You may look to evaluations, decisions and internal battles settled during the Sunset Commission’s Evaluation earlier this Summer .

McClendon and several other lawmakers want the sunset commission staff to propose a separate agency combining the DPS driver license renewal services and vehicle safety inspections that now are under the Texas Department of Transportation.
Putting those duties under a separate agency would free DPS and TxDOT “to do what they do best,” McClendon said.

She expects a new agency that keeps a state trooper’s presence at driver license offices under a civilian administration and business model.

Texas requires legal status for IDs, licenses

© 2008 The Associated Press
Oct. 8, 2008, 5:54PM
AUSTIN — People who aren’t U.S. citizens must now prove they are living legally in the country before receiving or renewing a Texas driver’s license or identification card.Under the new administrative rule, the Department of Public Safety will require immigration documents that prove a person’s lawful status.

Texas Becomes Roadblock Battleground

Interest groups battle over roadblocks ahead of the 2009 Texas legislative session.

Interest groups are pressuring Texas lawmakers to authorize the use of roadblocks ahead of their return for the 2009 legislative session. The practice of setting up barricades on roads to stop and interrogate motorists suspected of no wrongdoing has been unlawful since a 1994 state appeals court decision ruled that a “politically accountable governing body at the state level” must first approve their use. Now Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has scheduled an October 23 deadline for briefs to decide the Texas Public Safety Commission’s request to bypass this requirement and approve roadblocks on its own authority.

MEET – UP With the 5-11 Campaign for a Solution
You have just read shocking proof that our government wants our consent to make a checkpoint society part of our daily lives.

With incremental progress and voluntary consent from willing and/or unknowing citizens, they will have the level of policing required to dominate daily routines and freedom of movement we now take for granted.

The 5-11 Campaign is part of a “rapid response” coalition to give our answer that drivers license checkpoints could be interpreted as excessive force and a misappropriation of police and law enforcement resources.

THE CALL TO ACTION – Please Don’t Wait

  • We ask you to examine the attached document with full consideration of your response to initiating Texas into a checkpoint society. We ask you to oppose this system without fear of intimidation, retaliation or recognition for being a group or individual who does so.
  • We ask you to document your opposition by issuing a letter representing your organization to the Attorney General’s office & The Texas Department of Public Safety of your interpretation of the uses of these checkpoints.
  • We ask that you activate and organize your grassroots petitioners after defining your position on this issue to demonstrate their opposition by October 23rd to the Attorney General. 
  • Finally, we ask to be able to add your name with ours as comprehensive opposition to the use of checkpoints throughout the State of Texas we define at our meeting October 11, 2008 here in Austin. Even if you are unable to attend, we are still interested in adding your names and organizations to our coalition.  

Sunday October 12th, 2008 3 PM; Brave New Books, 1904 Guadalupe Austin, TX

If you are interested in circulating a documented petition, we suggest that you take independent action with your groups and to please submit signatures to the Attorney General. We feel adding your name to our coalition is a very effective show of opposition on this issue.

For more information about documenting your public input or efforts to general assistance in organizing, please feel free to contact.

Sheila Dean