Archive for the ‘unfunded mandate’ Category

UPDATE: NOON PDT 5/9-  Sen. Correa submitted SB 251 to wait presentation shortly after opening remarks to the California Senate Appropriations Committee.  A very brief comment was allowed later on SB 251 from an American Friends Committee member towards the matter of selective service information used from drivers license applicants.  The Committee Chair later called for the suspension of the bill towards a vote based on the issue of costs.

During the hearing, Cindy Sheehan’s, Peace of the Action advocate Gregory Vickrey, issued remarks to press concerning Sacramento’s “occupation” by active anti-draft constituencies. Members of CODE PINK and respective members of anti-draft coalitions, World Can’t Wait for We Are Not Your Soldiers were also accounted for in support of the actions.

In a related highlight, Sen. Joe Simitian, Palo Alto, presented a fiscally conservative bill SB 29 during the hearing which advances privacy protections for driver identity and the ability to challenge red light cameras.  The affirmative bill was moved for a vote.


BTC – The California Senate Appropriations committee will be holding a hearing Monday morning to discuss federal and state appropriations and funding for SB 251, a bill mandating drivers sign up for wartime drafts or selective service in the US military.

Several advocates, including the Identity Project, American Friends Committee and local ACLU, have already submitted letters opposed to this identity mandate. Organizers will be attending the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee Conference, in the Bay Area on May 6th & 7th.

Anyone of concern should note the following call to action:


WHO: Anti-war, Anti-draft mandateAnti-recruitment, or Anti-identity mandate constituencies

WHAT: Call to direct action opposing the passage or funding of SB 251 at the California Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing

WHEN: Monday, May 9th 11 AM, 2011

WHERE: John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203), State Capitol Sacramento, CA
 *If you can’t attend, but you wish to watch or listen the hearing click here.*

WHY: Opposing mandatory or coercive selective service sign-ons in order to attain a California State drivers license

HOW: Write, call or contact appropriations committee members urging them to Vote NO on 251.