Archive for the ‘Gov. Perry’ Category

First, see it for yourself.

Gov. Perry Backs Resolution Affirming Texas’ Sovereignty Under 10th Amendment

HCR 50 Reiterates Texas’ Rights Over Powers Not Otherwise Granted to Federal Government
AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today joined state Rep. Brandon Creighton and sponsors of House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 50 in support of states’ rights under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitutio


While HCR 50 is the idealogical new darling legislation of the 81st session, it has been gathering dust in the State Affairs office. No legislators were available for comment today at the Captiol due to Good Friday. There has bee no legislative action on HCR 50 since February, 23 2009; the date it was referred to the State Affairs committee. The show and tell we witnessed on Thursday is a heavy cloud. We can wait until Tuesday for any word on the rain.

There are 69 co-sponsors, 4 sponsors and the author, Rep. Brandon Creighton. Amid the approbation of 76 legislators is: the Vice Chair of the Calendars Committee, 6 co-sponsors on the Calendars committee, 5 State Affairs Committee members – 2 of which are also on the Calendar’s committee. With the level of collaborative and incestuous support – why hasn’t HCR 50 actually passed by now?

That is something you will have to ask your Texas Legislators.

To track HCR 50 visit: