Archive for the ‘library’ Category

BTC –  There’s still an inherent breakdown between what we think is serviceable law and what the federal government believes is good law or even just.. law. Laws which give States money and Gold Stars for Real ID benchmark compliance are still earning scathing public contempt, unless, as Lady Axxiom says, its called anything other than Real ID.

Here is second life for news that matters:

The pathetic new normal includes more TSA search and siezure of your private parts.

CIA’s Darth Panetta to Wikileaks “Send in the probe!”

BAIT & TACKLE: What’s the right use for net neutrality in the Congress? 

Congress prepare for digital privacy showdown

Facebook responds to User ID controversy 

ZOGBY POLL: 93% of Americans want control over their healthcare records

LISTEN:Teleconference with Patient Privacy rights

California Privacy legislation &  Library patron lawsuits arise 

Google privacy logs deleted  @declanm

MAGID: User Friendly Guide to Privacy on Facebook for families out now