Archive for the ‘H1N1’ Category

CLG>>> Charleston Gazette

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Charleston Area Medical Center employees who do not get the seasonal flu vaccine by the end of the day Friday are going to lose their jobs.

“The vaccine is a condition of employment” and people who do not get the vaccine will be fired, CAMC spokesman Dale Witte said.

Anyone who is not vaccinated by the end of the day Friday will not be allowed to work, Witte said.

“If they are scheduled to work, they will be taken off the schedule until the [human resources] folks and others go over the list to make sure it’s accurate,” he said. “Then it will be termination.”


BTC HUMOR- There seems to be a vacuum demand for people who want H1N1 vaccines and can’t get them. Tyson Eberly sent over this really great video featured during the debut of his local cable access program for some creative problem solving.

BTC – A preface to this piece of super creepy propaganda, is that Spain has a history of being on board to make internal chipping look cool. Ever since Verichip introduced what I call a destabilization agent of personal boundaries, much less sovereignty, of a RFID chip contained in a rice sized transparent case Bar”TH”elona discos have made it an exclusive way to “get in”.

Imagine..after an initial elite Spanish club introduction, someone possibly ushered in Raytheon’s Spanish global defense corporation to partner up with Verichip’s technology for patient identification.
They were thinking along the proposed lines of the following video:

I thought critically today about the nuances behind a glucose chip to assist less vigilant diabetics when it comes to limiting driving impairment. If you get your free marketeer hat on you will see what is good for one diabetic is not necessarily the best for all diabetics.
Healthcare decisions are often one of the last battles for privacy while someone is still alive. Decisions about allowing glucose/internal GPS system to be imported into your body should be a private decision. Ethically, there are a few closest to you that may count as Power of Attorney in the event of something bad happening. This is in contrast to a public-private decision where a government corporation makes a healthcare decision about what happens to you and your body without your consent.
So what happens when you get a market flush of any trend? You get copy cats and market raiders.
The FDA/FTC has released an importable fraud widget to report anyone who is making money off H1N1 treatments besides the U.S. government’s no-bid buddies.

Consumers are urged to purchase and consume only FDA-approved or authorized medical products to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure infections caused by the H1N1 virus. Consumers also are urged to contact their health care provider if they have any questions or concerns about medical products or personal protective equipment.”

As of right now – Verichip and RECEPTORS LLC do not have FDA approval to diagnose Swine Flu, but will be testing their proof of concept HERE:

October 22, 2009, in New York to unveil details of their virus triage detection system for the H1N1 virus and Phase II development of an in vivo glucose-sensing RFID microchip. The companies will also provide a product demonstration of the virus triage detection system currently being developed.

The event will take place at the Grand Hyatt at 4:30 p.m. ET and feature a presentation by Robert E. Carlson, Ph.D., President and Chief Science Officer of RECEPTORS LLC, and an expert in the field of proteomics and the development of artificial receptors.
Parties interested in attending the New York event should contact Allison Tomek at (561) 805-8008 or at

A plan that officials at Seattle’s Virginia Mason Medical Center had hoped would improve patient safety and save lives has landed them in some legal hot water instead.

The Washington State Nurses Assn., on behalf of the hospital’s 500 nurses, filed a petition in federal court Oct. 1, seeking an injunction to stop implementation of the hospital’s new policy of mandatory flu shots for all employees.

“Nurses feel they don’t have a choice between getting a shot or leaving Virginia Mason,” said WSNA spokeswoman Anne Tan Piazza. “The WSNA absolutely supports flu vaccinations and we are well aware of their benefits, but we think the approach to compliance is through education and not through threats of termination.”

Virginia Mason spokeswoman Kim Davis said education efforts had achieved a vaccination rate of about 55%, which is significantly higher than the 38% national rate for health care workers, but the hospital is shooting for 100%.

This week on Waking Up Orwell we will be speaking LIVE with Jim Turner, a Washington attorney representing Citizens for Health, an organization suing the FDA for approving the H1N1 swine flu vaccines to be administered before they were properly tested.

Citizens for Health is very involved with actions in New York to address the voluntary- compulsory policy requiring health care workers to take the Swine Flu vaccine as a condition of their employment.

Waking Up Orwell airs on from 9 – 10 AM CST. Please click the icon in the top right hand corner of to be directed to the show site.

NEXT WEEK: The Bill of Rights Defense Committee (BORDC) wasted no time developing a plan for local government to push back against unconstitutional compliance requirements in the PATRIOT Act. BORDC’s National Director, Shahid Buttar, will be with us LIVE for details on local government campaigns and their plan for to address government transparency. They will have some D.I.Y. government tips on to assert yourself right where you live.

Nurses speak about losing their jobs to a swine flu vaccine mandate.

c/o The NewAmerican

Health freedom attorney Jim Turner, of Citizens for Health, is filing a lawsuit in Washington, D.C., today, hoping to halt the distribution of the swine flu vaccine in America. What prompted his civil action is the ruling that licensed healthcare workers in New York State must receive the vaccine or lose their jobs.

Turner’s lawsuit, the plaintiffs for which are Dr. Gary Null and other healthcare workers of New York State, will seek an injunction against the Food and Drug Administration from approving the vaccine for general distribution. “And the core of the argument,” Turner told the Natural News Talk Hour Thursday evening, “is that they have not done the proper safety and efficacy tests on the vaccine to allow it to be released at this time.”

He explained further, “The FDA is required by law to establish that a vaccine is safe and effective before it can be given to the public. We are arguing that they did not establish that the vaccine was effective, and did not establish that it was safe. They are trying to get it on the market by a waiver.” ::: MORE HERE:::

Key amendments regarding civil liberty leads up to House approval, vote 113-36

“[House Chairman] Sanchez said the House version of the bill eliminates some of the more contentious parts approved in April by the Senate including sections placing restrictions on the right to public assembly and allowing the arrest of individuals without warrant.

The Senate bill would also allow the government to mandate vaccinations or place into isolation anyone who refused to be vaccinated — a provision that was eliminated from the House version.”

BOSTON –Public health officials would have the power to isolate individuals and order quarantines to contain the outbreak of serious contagious diseases under a bill approved by the Massachusetts House on Thursday.

Supporters say that while the bill has been in the works for years, the emergence of swine flu shows the importance of having laws on the books to deal with public health crises. Critics say the bill gives the government too much power.

The bill, approved by a 113-36 vote, is designed to clarify the authority of government and the rights of citizens in the case of a public health crisis. Backers say under existing law there are few checks on the power of government once the governor declares a health emergency.

“The bill strikes that balance between protecting the community in the case of an emergency but also protecting the civil liberties of individuals,” said Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez, D-Boston, House chairman of the Committee on Public Health.

Sanchez said the House version of the bill eliminates some of the more contentious parts approved in April by the Senate including sections placing restrictions on the right to public assembly and allowing the arrest of individuals without warrant.

The Senate bill would also allow the government to mandate vaccinations or place into isolation anyone who refused to be vaccinated — a provision that was eliminated from the House version.

“This bill does not change the law to force people to be vaccinated,” Sanchez said.

The bill spells out the authority of the public health commissioner once an emergency is declared — including the power to force the evacuation of public buildings and order health care facilities to provide services to those sickened.

The bill would also let the commissioner limit public access to contaminated areas, adopt measures to safely dispose of infection waste, and store and distribute antitoxins, serums, vaccines and antibiotics.

One of the most contentious parts of the bill would give public health officials the authority to force individuals or groups into isolation or quarantine when there is “reasonable cause to believe that a disease or condition dangerous to the public health exists or may exist or that there is an immediate risk of an outbreak.”

The isolation or quarantine order can be made orally as long as it is followed by a written order. The bill allows those in quarantine to appeal to a Superior Court judge. It also bars employers from firing workers because of a quarantine order.

Rep. Todd Smola, R-Palmer, said he heard from dozens of constituents worried about the Senate version of the bill.

He said there wasn’t enough time to study the changes in the House version, which he said still gives too much power to the commissioner of public health.

“People have enough concerns right now relative to government control invading in their personal space and in their personal lives,” he said.

Other parts of the bill are designed to send up early warning signs of a potential outbreak, including requiring pharmacists to report increased prescription rates or unusual types of prescriptions.

Public health officials would also be allowed to obtain medical records to try to investigate or monitor an outbreak, provided that the medical records remain confidential.

The public health emergency would end whenever the governor says it is over or 90 days after it was first declared, whichever comes first.

The compromise version of both bills must now be worked out.

BlogTalkRadio Premiere of Waking Up Orwell

You are invited to listen and even call in, as technical proficiencies permit.

Our special featured guest is impeachment activist and now bestselling author, David Swanson. Swanson’s new book DAYBREAK: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union is flying off the shelves for good reason. He was arrested Monday for civil disobedience in Washington during a protest to continue the policies of indefinite detention and endless war in Iraq, Afghanistan and the middle east.
OP-ED News featured this clip from mostly progressive democratic interests in D.C. at the protest where 82 people were arrested for civil disobedience.
I’ll take this opportunity to goad my libertarian sisters and brothers over at to increase their philosophical tolerances and try to get together with these folks for the sake of fiscal sanity by ENDING THE WAR WE NEVER AGREED TO FUND FOR THE LAST 8 YEARS.
We recently discovered that the Bill of Rights Defense Committee has a campaign to disbarr the legal enablers of the Bush Administration’s crimes against humanity. We will be touching briefly on that.
Debra Sweet and Bob Parson’s from World Can’t Wait and Deadline Live’s, Jack Blood (and his axe to grind) were invited to drop in and “christen” the show. DJ Ball granted permissions to feature his protest music during this webcast.
Swine flu..blah blah blah… Don’t take the shot. Call a lawyer if they threaten to fire you over it. NEXT! And a rhetorical comparative political fruit inspection and news, news, news.
It should be a good time.

c/o Lori Price of Citizens of Legitimate Government

“You start with health-care workers but then expand that umbrella to make it mandatory for everybody,” said Lori Price of Citizens for Legitimate Government, a Bristol, Conn.-based group that opposes government expansion. “It’s all part of an encroachment on our liberties.”

NY health workers vaccination (VIDEO) – The trend toward mandatory H1N1 vaccinations for U.S. healthcare workers is meeting resistance from unions and anti-government groups, officials said.

Hundreds of thousands of nurses, doctors and other healthcare workers are being ordered to become vaccinated as the second wave of the H1N1 pandemic spreads this fall.

The trend is fueling rumors that the H1N1 vaccine may become mandatory for everyone, said Lori Price of Citizens for Legitimate Government, a Connecticut-based group that opposes government expans

“It’s all part of an encroachment on our liberties,” Price told The Wall Street Journal in a story published Saturday.

Hospital Corp. of America, with clinics and hospitals in 20 states, is requiring its 120,000 employees to be vaccinated and the state of New York is requiring all healthcare workers to get both seasonal and H1N1 flu shots.

Mandatory vaccination diverts attention from more effective infection-control methods, such as state-of-the-art masks, said Bill Borwegen, a occupational health and safety director of the Service Employees International Union. (c) UPI