Archive for the ‘jobs’ Category

“On page 46 of the new draft, HR 2885, the prohibition on using the E-Verify database for other purposes is removed and replaced with a new section that allows the system to be used to “protect critical infrastructure”. That term is broadly defined and it’s not clear what this would mean in practice – screening air travelers, controlling access to federal facilities – but it is a clearly huge step expansion of the program. In one paragraph the government has said that E-Verify is not just for employment but also can be used for verifying identify for national security. You would now have to have your information correct in E-Verify not just to get a job but also potentially if you need to access “critical infrastructure”. Ironically this comes right after the paragraph saying there will be no National ID card.” 

 – Chris Calabrese, ACLU Technology Counsel


WHO : House Committee on the Judiciary

WHAT: Full Committee Markup of HR 2885: The Legal Workforce Act

WHEN: Thursday 9/15/2011 9:30 AM EST/10:30 CST/ 6:30 AM PST

WHERE: 2141 Rayburn House Office Building

WHY: Considering integrating drivers license records with E-Verify data management

A 5-11 Campaign Action Alert  
The House Judiciary Committee will be hearing the Legal Workforce Act Thursday morning – a bill to mandate E-Verify and to integrate federal employment data systems with State drivers license records.  It may create a permission based system to work in the United States for Americans.  It comes from the same people who brought you the Real ID Act – sponsored in part by Rep. Lamar Smith and Rep. James Sensenbrenner. 
If continued,  E-Verify may create employment barriers for some citizens. There are also outstanding privacy concerns over SSN#’s administered in a web based application. 
You can take action by contacting the House Judiciary Committee to ask them to vote NO on The Legal Workforce Act –before it becomes the next national identity mandate. Use your constituent power by calling key Committee members from your State.  
NOTE: Hearing information may change so keep refreshing the calendar section. 
Airs Thursday 9/15/2011-  9:30 AM EST/10:30 CST/ 6:30 AM PST
GOTO >> Video Casts Window OR Hearings & Markups OR Calendar >> May be viewed under HEARING DOCUMENTATION
Request C-Span coverage for this hearing: (877) 662-7726


ACLU Coalition (Democrats, Libertarians & Independents)

Liberty Coalition (Republicans, Libertarians & Independents)