Archive for the ‘riot police’ Category


BTC – A 2-4 year sentence was given to an officer who shot a young black man at point blank range in Oakland California.

Here is what his mom had to say about the verdict and the loss of her son:

Here is second life for news that matters:

GOOD NEWS! DC judge suspends sentence for Hart building dissent

“The biggest concern is that the government not be put in the middle of private networks so that it monitors private communications for cybersecurity purposes,” said Gregory Nojeim, senior director at the Center for Democracy andTechnology.”    

The Senate bill on Cyber Security passes one chamber and the TSA could not wait for an option to block “controversial opinion” for their employees.


TX Red light camera backlash

Online medical records raise privacy concerns

WSJ: United States recipe for population control?
Secure the borders, count the people, declare martial law.”

Police unjustly arresting media and photographers during political protests is an ongoing issue. Hetznecker warns of this “dangerous development” saying “I think this has become a pattern throughout the country that individuals who attempt to independently document an event that is governed or controlled by police action are going to be subject to arrest, unfortunately false arrest, and accusations of involvement or participation in the particular demonstration is an issue.”

c/o Op-Ed News :::MORE HERE:::

“The G20 will announce tomorrow that they will become the new “permanent council” for international economic cooperation. Who the hell do they think they are? Who voted for this? Who gives them the authority to have this power over our wellbeing and our very lives?” -Cindy Sheehan

Watch protest ground tweets @
Things are not okay. This is simply not a normal day at the University of Pittsburgh. I wish these students had more indirect ways to protect themselves. This is not in the syllabus…